“It’s Still Sturdy Amid Continously Hitting Storm” it is a correct expression to illustrate the condition of Indonesian Oil Palm Industry (2016 – 2018). Although it is suppressed from various sides, national oil palm industry still shows positive performance. Based on data from Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI) that in 2017 Indonesian palm oil production reached 41.22 million tons consisting of CPO production of 38.17 million tons and PKO production of 3.81 million tons, increased by 18% if compared with that in preceded year. High CPO production of Indonesia was due to expansion steps performed by domestic oil palm companies consisting of small and medium sized palm oil companies, state owned oil palm companies (PTPN). Expansions were mostly carried out by large sized companies with strong finance condition by acquiring oil palm plantation plants and plantations so they have many subsidiary companies such as BGA Group, DSN Group, FIRST Resources, KLK Group, MINAMAS Group, Musim Mas Group, Sampoerna Group, Sinar Mas Group, Austindo Group and 160 other company groups of which the data are presented in details in this book. Descriptions (English)
“Tetap Kokoh Ditengah Badai Yang Terus Menghantam”. Itulah kalimat yang tepat untuk menggambarkan industri sawit Indonesia (2016-2108). Walaupun terus mendapat tekanan dari berbagai sisi, industri sawit nasional tetap menunjukkan kinerja yang positif. Berdasarkan data dari Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (GAPKI), tahun 2017 produksi minyak sawit Indonesia mencapai 41,22 juta ton, terdiri dari produksi CPO 38,17 juta ton dan produksi PKO sebesar 3,81 juta ton, meningkat 18% dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Nilai ekspor CPO di tahun 2017 sungguh fantastis sebesar US$ 22,97 miliar atau meningkat 26% dibanding tahun 2016 sebesar US$ 18,22 milyar. Tingginya produksi CPO Indonesia, akibat langkah ekspansi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan perusahaan kelapa sawit dalam negeri, baik perusahaan kecil, menengah, perusahaan negara (PTPN). Yang paling banyak melakukan ekspansi adalah group perusahaan besar yang memiliki keuangan kuat dengan cara mengakuisisi perusahaan perkebunan dan pabrik kelapa sawit, sehingga mereka memiliki banyak anak perusahaan, seperti BGA Group, DSN Group, FIRST Resources, KLK Group, MINAMAS Group, Musim Mas Group, Sampoerna Group, Sinar Mas Group, Austindo Group dan 160 group perusahaan lain yang datanya lengkap di buku ini. Descriptions (Indonesia)
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