Description CDMI Consulting has widely been acknowledged as a consulting company which publishes numerous research books in diverse industrial sectors. Formerly, the company has succeeded in publishing a book with the title of “Indonesian Palm & Refinery Directory 2017” which is responded positively by oil palm industrial business players and supporting industries within and outside the country since it is extremely beneficial to accelerate their business.
Presently, CDMI Consulting issues a book with the title of Indonesian FERTILIZER Directory 2018 containing comprehensive fertilizer producers in the country. Based on a research of CDMI that in the last six years (2012 – 2016) the need of fertilizers namely Urea, NPK, Phosphate, ZA, ZK and organic fertilizers had kept on increasing. In 2012, the demand for subsidized and non-subsidized Urea fertilizer reached 5.95 million tons soared to 6.27 million tons in 2016. Whereas, the demand for NPK fertilizer in 2012 amounted to 3.47 million tons and escalated to 3.51 million tons in 2016. Similar things occur in other fertilizer types.. Descriptions (English)
CDMI Consulting di kenal luas sebagai perusahaan konsultan yang banyak mempublikasikan buku buku riset dan directory untuk berbagai sektor industri. Setelah sebelumnya sukses menerbitkan buku Indonesian Oil Palm & Refinery Directory 2017, yang mendapat response positif dari pelaku bisnis industri sawit dan industri pendukungnya, baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri, karena dianggap sangat membantu memperlancar bisnis mereka.
Kini CDMI Consulting kembali menerbitkan buku Indonesian FERTILIZER Directory 2018, yang berisi lengkap produsen pupuk dalam negeri. Menurut riset CDMI, dalam enam tahun terakhir (2012-2016) kebutuhan pupuk, baik pupuk Urea, NPK, Fosfat, ZA, ZK dan organik terus meningkat. Pada tahun 2012 kebutuhan pupuk Urea baik subsidi maupun non subsidi mencapai 5,95 juta ton ditahun 2016 telah mencapai 6,27 juta ton, kebutuhan pupuk NPK ditahun 2012 mencapai 3,47 juta ton ditahun 2016 meningkat menjadi 3,51 juta ton, hal yang sama juga terjadi pada jenis pupuk lainnya. Descriptions (Indonesia)
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