
Sea Transportation Industry


Year of Publication : 2015-2019]
Title : Study on Business Potential and Major Players of SEA TRANSPORTATION Industry in Indonesia, 2015 – 2019
Author : PT. CDMI
Language : English
Price : US$ 700
Table Of ContentSeaTransporation2015.pdf

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Study on Business Potential and Major Players of Sea Transportation Industry in Indonesia – Indonesia has been noted as the largest archipelago country in the world with width of 7.7 million km2 and the longest coastline of 95,181 km. Also, it owns 17,480 islands. With such a great potential, Indonesia shall have strategic role in sea transportation industry. In facts, the competitive ability of inter-island or inter-state sea transportation is still low so fleets with foreign flags are still dominated. Besides, the condition of Indonesian ports which is still less competitive makes more than 60% Indonesian goods export to pass Singapore.